
Research group

Bishakhdatta Gayen
  • ARC Future, AAD RJL Hawke & ARC DECRA Fellow
  • Associate Professor: Mechanical Engineering Department. University of Melbourne.
  • Assistant Professor: CAOS Indian Institute of Science.

I obtained my B. E. in Mechanical Engg. from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India in 2006. I was then at JNCASR, Bangalore where I did my M.S. (Engg.). My M.S. thesis was focused on the rheology of frictional Granular Shear Flow using MD simulations.

In 2007, I joined University of California, San Diego as a PhD student  at the department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. My PhD work was focused on turbulence and internal waves in tidal flow over topography via numerical experiments (both LES and DNS). I was a part of the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Group @Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University (Canberra) from 2012 to 2018.

Recently, I am Associate Professor  at Mechanical Engineering Department in the University of Melbourne and Assistant Professor at Centre for Atmospheric and Ocean Science, Indian Institute of Science. 

My hobbies include painting, photography and listening to music.

Current front line players

Mr Bahman Ghasemi PhD student (Primary supervision)

Mr Bahman Ghasemi PhD student (Primary supervision) 2020-Present

Mr Pamoda Herath PhD studen
Mr Pamoda Herath PhD student co-supervision (with Dr. Jimmy Philip) 2020-Present

Dr. Abhijit Shee Postdoctoral fellow 2023-Present

Mr. Bajrang Chidhambaranathan PhD student University of Melbourne (Primary Supervision) 2023-Present

Mr. Dankhara Kevin Bharatbhai M.Tech student (Primary Supervision) 2021-Present

Former members

Dr. Taimoor Sohail (PhD student) 1

Dr. Taimoor Sohail (PhD student) Primary supervision 2016-2020. Currently Postdoctoral fellow at UNSW, Australia.

Dr. Mainak Mondal (PhD student)

Dr. Mainak Mondal (PhD student), primary supervision 2015-2019. Currently Post Doctoral Associate, New York University Abu Dhabi.

Dr Catherine Vreugdenhil (PhD student)

Dr Catherine Vreugdenhil (PhD student) 2014-2017
Currently Doreen Thomas Postdoctoral at University of Melbourne