
Rotating buoyancy-driven circulation


C. Vreugdenhil, B. Gayen andR. Griffiths (2019). Transport by deep convection in basin-scale geostrophic circulation:turbulence-resolving simulations.  J. Fluid Mechanics. (In press)

C. Vreugdenhil, R. W. Griffiths and B. Gayen (2017). Geostrophic and chimney regime in the rotationg horizontal convection with imposed heat flux J. Fluid Mech.,  823, 57-99

C. Vreugdenhil, B. Gayen andR. W. Griffiths  (2016) Mixing and dissipation in a geostrophic buoyancy-driven circulation J. Geophys Res. Oceans, 121 (8), 6076-6091 doi: 10.1002/2016JC011691

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