
Southern Ocean Circulation – surface wind and buoyancy

Figure. An overview of the model domain, with overlaid flow solution for S = 4×10-5, Ra = 1012 and Ro = 4×10-2. Blue line: Imposed surface temperature; White line: prescribed wind stress. On the upper horizontal plane is shown the normalised time-averaged kinetic energy, E inside the boundary layer at z/H= 0.991. The end view shows the normalised time- and zonally-averaged vertical velocity, wˆ , along with contours of normalised temperature, T (white), corresponding to T = 0.432, 0.200; 0.189; 0.187; and 0.186 (top to bottom contours, respectively). Velocities are normalised by the scale p g0H and temperature is expressed as (T-Tc)/&Delta T, where Tc is the coldest temperature.

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